Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Curse

Winning the lottery is said to be a curse. Depending on how much you win that is. Winning a few grand, no big deal. But this mega million stuff is the killer. People really don't know what to do in the predicament of having mass money. We think we can buy houses and cars and be set for life, but you have to pay on that stuff. The money doesn't just keep coming and coming, it goes away, fast. You have to understand that you can't just keep spending, you will lose your house, your car, and your life. You may have 600 million for a while but you will be used to living that life by the time it's gone. The thing is, you may KNOW that blowing it is dumb, and bad. But most people will do it anyways, knowing it's right or wrong. Having that kind of money is not having control.. I for one would not want to have that type of money.

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